

Back in my day…. Part 1

As part of my celebration of Better Hearing and Speech Month, a blog reader, Connie Ziko, is sharing some of her old speech therapy materials. It’s clear I’m still a newby in this field. I have colorful fun decks and clipart galore. Many of you started speech therapy a few decades ago with a whole different set of treatment materials. Connie is taking us back in time to look at some old material sets that are still hanging around at her place of employment!  When I accepted my first SLP job I used this language kit. It was a standard “in my day“. There were 3 kits . This green kit was intended for 4 1/2 to 6 1/2 years of age. This kit was copyrighted in 1965 and published by the American Guidance Service (AGS). An updated kit is now published by Pearson. In the kit : 180 daily lessons in a spiral bound manual.                  430 colored cards in 13 different categories .( Not real photos)                  10 extra large poster scenes.                  350 plastic colored clips .                  2 puppets                 1 reel to reel tape with 6 narrated fairy tales .   (Check out that TV on the card :))    The lessons were not intended to “replace the regular activities” in the daily classroom. The lessons have been planned to “provide repetition “in the oral language program. If you take a look at the activities on the lesson that is pictured some of the same tenets still hold true. That was AWESOME! Ok, am I the only one thankful for voice recorders, ipads and youtube? Stay tuned for more pictures from Connie! If you have photos of some ‘Back in My Day’ materials, please submit them to speechroomnews@gmail.com.

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