Reading Dinosaurs!

After Camping Week in our literacy group, over the summer we moved on to Dinosaur Week! We’ve had a LOT of reading Dinos that week. Here is a peek. ((amazon affiliate links are included for your convenience))

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We started with this app called Picture Me As A Dinosaur.  The app  is intended for children ages 2-5, but my 5-8 year olds thought it was hilarious!

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I was able to add up to 8 pictures (a picture of each child in the group) and then the app read the book to us. The kids were cracking up. I wish I could show THEM as dinosaurs but you’ll have to settle with just me!

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We also did these free alphabet matching puzzles on the ipad.

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We brainstormed on some dinosaur feet! We brainstormed /b/ and /t/ words.

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Meghan made a dinosaur book featuring color sentences!

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Our amazing office manager Suzy made these Dino Fossil Brownies! I loved them!

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We broke the brownies in half to find the fossils inside.

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We did Dot-to-Dot ABC puzzles. You can find those on the  Make Learning Fun page.

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We matched upper/lower case letters with a little help from Mr. Sean. Download that item for free here.



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We used rhyming cards! 

And these were my two favorite books!  I didn’t get picture of everything we did, but here are a few more freebie downloads we used. Dinosaur Sight Word Game and A sound matching game What books or resource do you use for dinosaur week?

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