

Functional Life Skills: Laundry Lessons & Apps

Is it ironic that I’m talking about laundry at school but I have a huge looming pile of it at home at all times?

Teaching Life Skills Laundry

If you’re teaching older students in Daily Living Skills Units I hope you can use these functional vocabulary units!

My ideas for Laundry instruction? Bring in your laundry for sorting and folding.  I’m using a new book I made. You can purchase this unit on Teachers Pay Teachers.

Here is a quick preview: It includes a story with real pictures.

Vocabulary sheets are included at multiple levels. Pragmatics sheets, sorting, and sequencing activities are included.

You’ll also find this communication board.

I’ve also been using this app. It’s definitely created for young children. My Daily Living Skills students have been using it without complaint even though the pictures are more cartoonish. I like it for discussing the steps and vocabulary of the laundry. It also includes some coin work.

The app is currently priced at $2.99 in the iTunes store.  Happy Laundry Day!

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