One of the people I met ‘In Real Life’ for the first time at ASHA was Eric Sailers. Eric creates apps through his company, Expressive Solutions. Eric showed me a demo of his app, ArtikPix Levels Plus , which I agreed to review for all my SRN friends!
Let me walk you through the app. ArtikPix Levels is an articulation app. It features nearly 1,500 cards in the following 24 decks: b, ch, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, l-blends, m, n, p, r, r-blends, s, s-blends, sh, t, th, v, w, y, z.
Start by adding the students to the app. For our demo today, I’m working on my sounds with JT and B. Select a student and then the sounds they are targeting. Choose all positions or just initial, medial, or final. Grammatical levels are preset to word, but can be moved to phrase, sentence or paragraph length. One bonus feature is the ability to limit the words by syllable length.
Select which students will play the game. Choose between the following activities: Flash Cards, Matching, and Pick or Spin.
In the flash card portion of the app choose the difficulty across the bottom of the app. Across the top left, select which student is taking their turn. In the top right, select to record the production. In this section you can record just audio or touch the camera button and the app will open the iPad camera. This transforms the app into a mirror, allowing your student to watch as they produce the sound. Ongoing data collection is shown at the bottom of the screen.
The matching pairs game is typical for those in articulation apps. Select the player across the top using the icons. This activity includes word level only.
The most unique game of the app is the Pick or Spin activity. Press the spin button and watch the computer spin to a new phrase.
If you have students working on really specific vocabulary you can add your own decks in Artik Pix Levels Plus (as long as you’ve purchased all the available decks). Our preschoolers are always working on vocabulary that relates to our curriculum so this might be a nice way to build some decks. Here is a sample for the word ‘Jenna’. Add the syllable length, sound targeted, word/phrase/sentence/paragraph level.
Head over to Expressive Solutions to check out a video that demonstrates the app. The app is listed at $29.99 in the app store. You can try out the free version here.
Overall, Artik Pix Levels Plus demonstrates all the key elements I’m looking for in an app. These include extensive data collection, a wide variety of speech targets in each sound, and ease of use for group therapy.
The Pros: In addition to the basic elements I’m looking for Artik Pix Levels provides paragraph level presentation throughout. This is a nice bonus for students working on carryover of speech sounds. The other stand-out is the camera recording feature.
Cons: The only thing that came up during using the app was a little hiccup on the student pictures. The pictures get blurry when they switch over to a circle from a square.
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