The Articulator, Professor Pronunciation, Speech Slinger, The Phantom Dysfluency Fighter or Captain Diadochokinesis. Which SLP Super Hero are you? Those awesome Speech Super Hero names came from a giveaway on the SRN Facebook page. I love the creativity!
Speaking of Super Heroes, I’m here today to share the latest Smarty Ears App review. Pronoun Heroes teaches 8 types of pronouns and then gives students 4 ways to practice them.
Add students to the app.
This is the dashboard of the app. Select an activity.
There are two ‘teaching’ portions of the app.
Pronoun Heroes targets multiple types of pronouns (e.g., personal subjective, personal objective, demonstrative, possessives, and reflexive) and includes 19 different pronouns.
The four different activities allow for different types of practice
• Where is the Pronoun:
In this section, the user can select either words or phrases. In words, the user is shown four superheroes each holding a sign. The player chooses the sign with the pronoun. In the phrases activity, the user is given a segmented sentence and asked to tap on the word that is the pronoun.
• Which one is not a Pronoun?
In this section, the user is shown the four superheroes each holding a sign. The player is to choose the sign that does NOT have a pronoun. This allows the individual to have discussions on negation and other language elements.
• Find the Picture
In this customizable section, the user is shown a pronoun and two pictures. The player is to tap on the picture that best depicts the pronoun. This section is customizable by tapping on the settings button to choose the pronouns to target. Customizing allows the individual to tailor the lesson by selecting one or more than one app to be worked on during that session.
• Let’s use Pronouns!
In this customizable section, the user is shown a picture of a real-life event and given a sentence. One of the words in the sentence is missing, and the player must drag-and-drop the correct pronoun into the space.
Data collection is available throughout!
Pros: Pronoun Heroes is the first syntax app that I’ve seen that includes a teaching portion. The comic book format is highly engaging and I appreciate the hierarchy of tasks from identifying the pronouns to filling in sentences.
Cons: I would love if the ‘teaching’ portion could be read aloud to students. That would be a great way for some of my kids to work independently while I’m helping another student.
Pronoun Heroes is available for $14.99 in the app store.
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