I’m back with another session in the SLP 101 series! Today’s post is all about learning targets. More than likely your school building has adopted learning targets as a building so these are nothing new to you!
Learning targets make a ton of sense. Your students should definitely know what they are working on when they come to you. If you’re building is already doing ‘I can’ statements it’s an easy carryover to the speech room.
This year I made a simple sheet that lists an ‘I can’ statement for most of the areas we are working on.
This is the bulletin board in my office. Then each student made their own sheet with their specific goals. This my board before the year started. This is where we posted all of our goals! I posted these documents as a freebie on my TeachersPayTeachers site! Just make sure you select ‘follow me’ while you’re there! Do you use I can statements? How else do you have your student’s know their speech and language goals?
The SLP 101 series covers topics for school based therapists. Check out these other SLP 101 Topics:
Getting Started in the Schools :: Learning Targets :: Working Folders :: Scheduling :: Welcome Letter, Attendance, Billing :: Interviewing :: Salaries :: Common Core
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Karen says
Looks great, Jenna! I have a spot in my room where I change the learning targets for each group as they come for speech therapy.
Click here to check it out.
And I also fill out a sheet for each student to put in their notebooks that has their goals (simplified and kid-friendly) available to them/their parents to review at any time. I found this handy freebie for that:
Click here to check it out.
Thanks always for sharing 😀
Vicki says
Hi Jenna Just found your great idea for having my students be aware of their goals. I had some other forms at the beginning of the year, but they just didn’t work for me or my students. I’ll try these and hopefully will be able to display them somewhere the students can see them each day for reminders. My school county does not use the Learning Target concept, but I think these will work well for my speech therapy students. Thanks!
Anonymous says
At the beginning of the school year, I have each of my students write their “I Can” statements on sentence strips that are kept in their own Speech Folder. When they come in for speech, they grab their folder, pull out their I Can statement(s) and insert them in a pocket chart with clear pockets for display. Then, we briefly review each one before beginning our speech activities. The students love being able to say their I Can statement without looking at it!
Stephanie says
I love this idea! Do you use a template or anything?
cheryl says
Is that fabric on the boards & if so where did you find it? i am trying to make my speech room a little more pretty too!
adminSRN says
yep. From Hobby Lobby.