As a Speech Pathologist, are you keeping up on your Continued Education or CEUs? Let’s talk specifically about 7 CEU Courses for Teaching the R Sound that you can access.
CEU simply stands for Continuing Education Unit. According to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association as of April 2022,“ASHA Certification Maintenance Standards require that all certificate holders (CCC-A and CCC-SLP) must accumulate 30 professional development hours (PDHs) [formerly certification maintenance hours (CMHs)] during each 3-year certification maintenance interval in order to maintain their ASHA Certificates of Clinical Competence (CCC).”

1. Medbridge: Speech Sound Development: A Late Eight Update
by Ken Bleile, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
About this Course:
The “late eight” are the last acquired consonants by children learning English as a first language. These are words that also likely to challenge children and adults learning English as a non-native language.
This course touches on current and arising issues around this subject such as:
- Why are the late eight LATE?
- Do the late eight belong in school?
- Can the late eight be treated using an articulation approach?
- What is the most important reason a person improves in treatment?
MedBridge Education where this course is held is a one stop shop for practitioners to gain CEUs. Their courses are all online and they will even report to ASHA if you want them to!
In addition, MedBridge has the following perks:
- 50+ new courses added monthly to keep you up to date on current techniques and strategies
- Case-based quizzes with clinical reasoning behind every answer to ensure knowledge retention
- Patient demos and case studies in every course to reinforce practical application of evidence-based skills
How to Sign up for a MedBridge Course and Save Money:
You can sign up at my affiliate link
With this link and code, you receive $175 off the regular full price of a subscription!
Read more about why you should get CEUs through MedBridge Education

2. Successful R Therapy
by Pam Marshalla on SpeechTherapyPD.com
In this course, Pam Marshalla details how to help clients transfer this skill from words to conversational speech using practical and highly effective methods of carryover.
About this course:
By the end of this course, participants will be able to:
- Describe how to facilitate a Back R and a Tip R.
- Describe how to facilitate better jaw, lip and tongue control for R.
- Identify how to lock in on the first sound.
- Implement how to build the transition repertoire.
- Summarize how to assure carryover into conversational speech.
3. Treating R Errors: Evidence-Based Cueing and Practice Strategies
by Megan C. Leece, MA, CCC-SLP; Jonathan Preston, PhD, CCC-SLP
About this course:
This course covers the phonetics of correct and distorted /r/ sounds.
Infographics, scripts, cues and links to websites are shared by the professors that they have used to teach /r/when working with school-aged children.
The main focus is discussing those stubborn cases in which children are not stimulable for R.
4. R Made Simple: Methods That Address the Challenges of Pronunciation, Spelling and Dialect
by: Nancy L. Geruntino, MA, SLP
About this course:
Participants will learn the concept of the Up, Down, & Slide Alphabet.
This method is easy to teach, fun to learn, and most importantly it reduces the number of contexts that need to be taught! Students learn to analyze words for the sound that precedes the R, and identify that sound as an Up sound, a Down sound, or a Slide sound – regardless of spelling.

5. Sleuthing for S and R
by: Lynn Berk MA CCC-SLP
About this course:
This course will discuss the rationale and strategies for teaching production of /s/ and /r/ for upper elementary school-age children and older. Errors on these two sounds are considered residual when production continues to be inaccurate beyond the developmental age of acquisition.
About this course:
This is a FREE 3 hour course!
The course discusses oral-motor principles which relate to remediation of speech sounds so it is relevant to /r/ and /s/ remediation. The instructor does note that he has developed Abductory Spasmodic Dysphonia and more recently, a vocal tremor. It is important to focus on the content and not his voice.
7. How to Move Beyond Inconsistent R-Productions
by: Char Boshart MA, CCC-SLP; Susan Haseley MS, CCC-SLP
About this course:
Sharing practical tips and techniques on /r/ remediation, and much more. The presenters describe what children with r-distortions are doing and not doing intra-orally. In addition, they share observations and first-hand experiences of using the Bite-R therapy device and tactile therapy to remediate speech students.
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Do you have any other CEU courses for teaching the /R/ sound to recommend?

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